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Hide Django App From Wappalyzer Detection System


what is Wappalyzer ?

Identify software on the websites you visit

Wappalyzer is a browser extension that uncovers the technologies used on websites. It detects content management systems, eCommerce platforms, web servers, JavaScript frameworks, analytics tools and many more.

Why we need to hide our django app from Wappalyzer?

we see daily new exploits and vulnerabilities has discovered and if we don’t patch them so the risk of hacking of our system will be increase . when some 0day bugs has been released many hackers with their bots and scripts looking for vuln systems , and with hiding our system from those bots we can sure our system is hidden from their eyes .

how wappalyzer detect our system is using django ?

with a simple looking on wappalyzer sourcecode we understand they use “csrfmiddlewaretoken” field name to detect we using django :

"Django": {
        "cats": [
            "env": "^__admin_media_prefix__",
            "html": "(?:powered by <a[^>]+>Django ?([\\d.]+)?|<input[^>]*name=[\"']csrfmiddlewaretoken[\"'][^>]*>)\\;version:\\1",
            "icon": "Django.png",
            "implies": "Python",
            "website": "djangoproject.com"

so with changing our csrf token field name we will bypass it .

Getting start

for changing “csrfmiddlewaretoken” field name we should change two file in our django base lib directory :

in new django version the template tag module is under this file : django/template/backends/utils.py

for better hidding I use signing to create new CSRF token field name , so the field name will be different in every project (by secret key)

changing csrf field name in Template tag

file:django/template/defaulttags.py line:59

from django.core import signing
csrf_field = signing.dumps('csrfmiddlewaretoken').partition(':')[0]
return format_html("<input type='hidden' name='{0}' value='{1}' />", csrf_field, csrf_token)

with this change this module will return something like this instead of our default “csrfmiddlewaretoken” :

<input type='hidden' name='ImNzcmZtaWRkbGV3YXJldG9rZW4i' value='65jbHMBF3hZ7uTOU7a0dHEQp6zqtNgm4' />

changing csrf field name in CSRF middleware

file:django/middleware/csrf.py line:173

from django.core import signing
request_csrf_token = ""
if request.method == "POST":
    csrf_field = signing.dumps('csrfmiddlewaretoken').partition(':')[0]
    request_csrf_token = request.POST.get(csrf_field, '')

anything else?

until now we could hide our django system from wappalyzer . wappalyzer is a script and we can bypass it but we cannot bypass hackers minds , so we should change everything that can show we using django our anything else ,like admin url etc …